Setting up Powershell profile in Windows Terminal
The below steps will walk you through setting up your windows terminal with the latest powershell, oh-my-posh, and psreadline.
- Install the latest version of powershell from Microsoft
- Set your windows terminal default powershell to the latest that was just installed.
- Use winget to install oh-my-posh.
winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget
- Install fonts using oh-my-posh.
oh-my-posh font install
- After fonts are installed change your windows terminal font defaults to
. This will allow the themes to render correctly in your terminal. - Install PSReadLine powershell module using an elevated powershell session.
Install-Module -Name PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Scope CurrentUser -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
- Modify your powershell profile.
nodepad $PROFILE
If your prfoile does not exist create it with the below.
New-Item -Path $PROFILE -Type File -Force
1 2 3 4 5 6
$ohmyposhTheme = "spaceship" oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH\$ohmyposhTheme.omp.json" | Invoke-Expression Import-Module PSReadLine Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionSource HistoryAndPlugin Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Windows
You can view oh-my-posh themes by running
. After you find a theme you like change$ohmyposhTheme = "spaceship"
in your profile and save.
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