
Extend the disk size of a Ubuntu VM


Running out of space on your VM and need to increase the storage of your main partition? All you need to do is add more disk capacity in your hypervisor and extend your partition.


Parted must be installed to follow the below steps. If you do not have parted you can install with:

sudo apt-get install parted


  1. Extend your disk to your desired size in your hypervisor.
  2. SSH into the VM.
  3. Run df -h to check your current space for refrence.
  4. Run sudo parted to enter into parted.
  5. Type print and hit Enter.
  6. If asked to fix type fix and hit Enter.
  7. You will see your partitions. In most cases if you have the default partition layout we will be working with partition 2. Type resizepart 2 and hit Enter.
  8. When asked for End value look for the Disk /dev/sda value from the print command above and enter in format of 80GB for example.
  9. Type q and hit enter.
  10. Run sudo resize2fs /dev/sda2.
  11. Run df -h to confirm partition expanded.
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