
Installing Pop Shell on Fedora 38

If you’re a Linux user and you’re looking to improve your desktop environment, Pop Shell is an excellent option. Pop Shell is a tiling window manager extension for GNOME that allows you to quickly and easily manage your windows.

In this article, we’ll go over the steps necessary to install Pop Shell on Fedora 38.

Step 1: Install Pop Shell

The first step in installing Pop Shell is to open a terminal and enter the following command:

sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-pop-shell

This command will install the Pop Shell extension for GNOME.

Step 2: Log Out or Reboot

After installing Pop Shell, you’ll need to log out of your current session or reboot your computer in order for the changes to take effect.

Step 3: Enable Pop Shell Extensions

Once you’ve logged back in, you’ll need to enable the Pop Shell extension in the Extensions application. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Activities overview by pressing the Super key (also known as the Windows key).
  2. Search for “Extensions” and open the Extensions application.
  3. Find the Pop Shell extension in the list and toggle the switch to “On.”


That’s it! After completing these three steps, you should now have Pop Shell up and running on your Fedora 38 desktop environment. With Pop Shell, you’ll be able to quickly and easily manage your windows, making your computing experience more efficient and enjoyable.

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