Restart remote services
Simple script to loop through multiple servers and services and restart the services. Just replace server and service names and run. ## define your servers in an array $Servers = "Server1","Server...
Simple script to loop through multiple servers and services and restart the services. Just replace server and service names and run. ## define your servers in an array $Servers = "Server1","Server...
The below code allows you to open a new email message via outlook on your local PC. $ol = New-Object -comObject Outlook.Application #Create the new email $mail = $ol.CreateItem(0) #Optional, set t...
Open powershell and run the bellow command. get-wmiobject Win32_Product | sort-object -property Name | Format-Table IdentifyingNumber, Name, LocalPackage -AutoSize
Method 1 $MyCredentials=GET-CREDENTIAL -Credential "USERNAME" | EXPORT-CLIXML C:\Temp\SecureCredentials.xml $MyCredentials=IMPORT-CLIXML C:\Temp\SecureCredentials.xml Method 2 To create the fil...